What a wanker this guy is; he needs to get a real life because his virtual life is clearly causing him harm. You Landy sisters must more powerful than Wonder Woman and Superman combined, if you can threaten him with a photo he found on the internet! Might I respectfully suggest that he avert his eyes and click on to something else like perhaps a picture of a kitten to rinse his brain out?
And if he doesn't like your shirts, I say take them off, but then he would probably complain about your public nudity. FFS, there's no pleasing some people.
At the end of the day, I would feel very sorry for a man with so little going for him if he wasn't propagating and promoting such appalling harms around the care of children, but as he is, my response to him would be a giant F off.
What a shockingly ignorant complaint! I've engaged in debates with so-called "trans" people on numerous occasions, but never encountered a mind as twisted as Thistolls. His complaint is so shallow and poorly worded that I doubt the Gerry Brownlee would take it seriously. However, congratulations on a powerful response. I'm looking forward to reading of developments on this. Best wishes!
FFS what a completed tosser. On what planet does he think wearing a tshirt that’s fact is beyond me!!! He’s a complete girls blouse and needs to go and get a life. He obviously doesn’t have a life and wastes parliamentary services time. You go girls , wahine all the way !!!!
As usual, you breathe fire to ward off the creeps and goons. Does this guy read his own inane words? He says, "I am in no way seeking to abrogate Ms. Unkovich or Ms. Landy's speech rights"--while the entire letter is a tyrannical demand that you not express your thoughts on your T-shirt, with the added insult that he will command you to speak only in the time, place, and manner he wants.
These fanatics aren't just obnoxiously sanctimonious and narcissistic. They are stupid. Maybe their delusions are eating away at their brain cells.
What a wanker this guy is; he needs to get a real life because his virtual life is clearly causing him harm. You Landy sisters must more powerful than Wonder Woman and Superman combined, if you can threaten him with a photo he found on the internet! Might I respectfully suggest that he avert his eyes and click on to something else like perhaps a picture of a kitten to rinse his brain out?
And if he doesn't like your shirts, I say take them off, but then he would probably complain about your public nudity. FFS, there's no pleasing some people.
At the end of the day, I would feel very sorry for a man with so little going for him if he wasn't propagating and promoting such appalling harms around the care of children, but as he is, my response to him would be a giant F off.
What a shockingly ignorant complaint! I've engaged in debates with so-called "trans" people on numerous occasions, but never encountered a mind as twisted as Thistolls. His complaint is so shallow and poorly worded that I doubt the Gerry Brownlee would take it seriously. However, congratulations on a powerful response. I'm looking forward to reading of developments on this. Best wishes!
On fire! Paul Thistoll is a vexatious complainer, not to mention totally idiotic.
Dudebro is comparing terfy tshirts to criminal gang patches?
Terf 1% ftw!
What a great response to a maniacal wanker’s bullying. I can’t wait to see what our Jerry has to say… 🍿 Kia Kaha MWK 💥🫶
Paul ah Paul's in a fair tizzy there eh? I admit to laughing through his 'complaint'.
It's like someone picked up the woke jar,downed it in one and puked it all back up onto one page.
He doesn't even know what a caricature of a human he has become.
And,as always,you ladies come back with killer precision wordsmithery and blow his whiny blah blah out of the water.
It's beautiful🥰
FFS what a completed tosser. On what planet does he think wearing a tshirt that’s fact is beyond me!!! He’s a complete girls blouse and needs to go and get a life. He obviously doesn’t have a life and wastes parliamentary services time. You go girls , wahine all the way !!!!
As usual, you breathe fire to ward off the creeps and goons. Does this guy read his own inane words? He says, "I am in no way seeking to abrogate Ms. Unkovich or Ms. Landy's speech rights"--while the entire letter is a tyrannical demand that you not express your thoughts on your T-shirt, with the added insult that he will command you to speak only in the time, place, and manner he wants.
These fanatics aren't just obnoxiously sanctimonious and narcissistic. They are stupid. Maybe their delusions are eating away at their brain cells.
Tautoko here from a Whanganui Adult Human Female, proudly Wāhine
Also where can I buy a t-shirt???
Print Mighty is where our mwk tees are..
Thanks Di,appreciate you😘
There are only 2 genders I am with billy jean king, jk Rowling and
Many others on this.
I think you mean Martina Navratilova. BJK is pro trans inclusion in womens sports.
The work required to counter people like him, it’s exhausting as the length of your letter shows, I look forward to hearing your submission on RCR ❤️
Beautiful response.