I may need to read this more than once to fully comprehend the mental gymnastics used my the Midwifery Council to erase Wahine.

MWK congratulations on your hard work. Never Surrender.

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The Midwifery Council is a good example of what happens when you become so indoctrinated in patently silly yet conformist progressive ideology that it overtakes normal sense meaning and reason. You are so far to the progressive left that they've circle d back around and ended up authoritarian. They clearly have barely a braincell to share between them. They should be ashamed advising pregnant women to get vaccinatedwith those experimental pieces of toxic junk and exposing prescious babies to risk or serious long term harms. Have they no sense? They are either sadists or have done no research at all about the Pfizzer products. Either way it reflects very badly on them. It is unbeliuevable what the medical industry has become (or maybe it was always that way considering its history of eugenics and the on-going reckless experimentation on the most vulnerable members of society)

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