Pānui, Pānui, Pānui!
The Parliament Petitions Select Committee have declined to upload our 12th of September video submission about the Midwifery Council’s (mis)use of Te Reo Māori in their Revised Scope of Practice.
Effectively, the public record will show that we were never there.

When we asked why our submission was not allowed to be viewed, we were brusquely informed that no reason why or when it might be available could be shared with us.
So we will be reading it out loud on Reality Check Radio instead, on Monday morning, on Paul Brennan’s Breakfast Show. Join us and find out what’s going on! Click Here for RCR.

This is not the first time that we have been ignored or denied a chance to enter our objections about the Midwifery Council into the public record without a proper explanation.
The Petitions Committee did accept our written submission, but suddenly they don’t want to upload our video.
The Regulations Review Committee were very polite, but of all the groups who made complaints, the only group whose complaint was rejected was ours; the only dedicated Māori organisation speaking about the use of ‘whānau’ among them.
Every sitting member of the 53rd Parliament ignored our email outlining our concerns.
Why doesn’t the Petitions Committee or other unknown persons in the Government now want anyone to hear or see us? What question did we ask that hit a little too close to home? Who or what is being protected?
To get the clearest picture of what is happening, we recommend listening to the submissions in the order we appeared:
Petitioner & midwife Deb Hayes (whose video we’re relieved is available and linked below).
On Monday 30th, on Paul Brennan’s Breakfast Show (available by replay if you miss it) MWK co-founder Di Landy and member Sarah Henderson will read our submissions on air and discuss events.
Then watch the Midwifery Council’s response and consider their reasoning for doing what they’re doing. Their video is linked below on the same page as Deb’s.
To get to Deb and the Midwifery Council’s video submissions, Click Here
We look forward to this issue becoming a matter of open, public discussion - the hallmark of free societies.
“He Wāhine, He Whenua ka ora Te Tangata - It is by Women and by Land, that the People are given Life”.
Noho tūturu, noho tangata!
I’m looking forward to listening as well. This needs to be shared far and wide. The midwifery council need to hang their heads in shame for the dismissal and erasure of our language and sex. We will always be women, mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, nieces and breastfeeders. We will always continue to push back, against BS ideology .
Oh the power of Women speaking! They must be silenced when they defend women's rights and language. 10 minutes of truth and revelations was too inconvenient for the Petitions committee, wider politics and the Midwifery Council, not to mention the profits of woke ideology. Keep talking Di and Sarah. Looking forward to listening to your submission again on Monday.