It’s an auspiscious day.
The late great Magdalen Berns was born on this day, and to her we all owe a debt of thanks for being among the first to see Queer Theory and Gender Ideology for what they are: dangerous ideas with the potential for untold social harm.
Today on the inaugural ‘Thank A Terf Day’, chosen in Magdalen’s honour, we made a video for you all - and our PlainSight NZ piece was published in Quillette!
We also now have a ‘Buy Me a Coffee’ page - if you want to support us, please become a supporter there too.
Finally, and perhaps it was coincidence - or perhaps Magdalen gave us all a helping hand - but unelected list MP ‘Dr’ Elizabeth Kerekere and author of the Crybaby Chronicles and the Page Eighty-Four Phd, resigned today. Hurrah! Happy Thank a Terf Day to us, Happy Thank a Terf day to us, The Quisling is Leaving, Happy Thank a Terf Day to us!
Keep fighting Terven. We will win this together.
Noho Tūturu Noho Tangata = Stay Real Stay Human
Those women at the Let Women Speak rally in Auckland fully deserve that award. Thank you for making it.